This checklist is a supplement to the JOE Submission Guidelines and is intended to help prospective authors prepare their manuscripts for submission. The Journal disseminates information relating to extension systems and practices, research on extension, efficient organization … Many articles published in JOE demonstrate adherence to customary research reporting standards; however, due to the variation in the journal's content, a rigidly prescribed structure is not appropriate for all articles. Maximum length: 2,000 words (excluding title, author information, running head, abstract, keywords, tables, figures, equations, references, and appendixes). Agricultural extension or Cooperative extension service relate to applications of agricultural science: communication, marketing, and business. Recognizing the intricate relationships between the many areas of business activity , JBR examines a wide variety of business decisions , processes … This scientific … A table or a figure should be located at an appropriate point in the text (i.e., as soon as is logical after it is first called out) and should be positioned between paragraphs, not within a paragraph. Ltd. Is doing great job towards publishing service and setting a new trend in publishing services industry." JOE expands and updates the research and knowledge base for Extension professionals and other adult educators to improve their effectiveness. PowerNotes helps researchers make the leap from research to writing. Textual content in a table or a figure should align with rules of grammar, mechanics, and JOE style. The journal shall publish research articles, book-reviews, reports etc. The Indian Research Journal of Extension Education has been recognized as one of the most important Indian journals in Agriculture discipline. 2018-19 ; 2017-18 ; 2016-17 ; 2015-16 ; Annual Accounts . Myanmar’s research and extension system has to date been commodity and productivity focused, with little coordination among the many different institutions involved. … PowerNotes is a productivity tool that allows you to gather, organize, and track internet research easily and efficiently. It is the responsibility of authors to provide web-ready, computer-generated figures suitable for publication. Per APA Style, spellings should conform to the Dictionary (, and if a word is not included therein, authors should consult an unabridged edition of Webster's dictionary. DOI: 10.4236/am.2020.117045 PDF HTML XML 100 Downloads 218 … An additional option is How Many? Ext. Extension evaluation studies often can provide the basis for valuable disciplinary contributions. It publishes original research articles by eminent scientists on all aspects of plant and soil science. Research & Extension. A Tools of the Trade article addresses a thing. The Journal of Business Research applies theory developed from business research to actual business situations. The society has also brought out several proceedings, souveniers, seminar recommendations, books on nominal cost. Authors who use citation management tools in developing their manuscripts must undo the associated formatting so that a manuscript can be easily converted to a web-ready document. Beginning January 1, 2021, the Journal of Extension (JOE) will have a new editorial structure and will be published under the Clemson University Press. A Tools of the Trade article focuses on what is useful. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension: Competence for Rural Innovation and Transformation (1998 - current) Formerly known as European Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (1994 - 1998)