Quadragesimo anno (Latin for "In the 40th Year") is an encyclical issued by Pope Pius XI on 15 May 1931, 40 years after Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum novarum, further developing Catholic social teaching.Unlike Leo XIII, who addressed the condition of workers, Pius XI discusses the ethical implications of the social and economic order. Share: Date Added: May 7, 2003. Written by Louis Even on Thursday, 01 January 2015. Included is an overview of the document, historical notes, an outline of the document and discussion questions. Written to compliment Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical Letter "Rerum Novarum", "Quadragesimo Anno" is a constitution to stand by for the working people and business owners to promote an environment that is prosperous for everyone. This resource looks at Quadragesimo Anno, (The Reconstruction of the Social Order) an encyclical of Pope Pius XI. This talks about how when capitalism was developed, people in the working class faced poverty while the upper class was thriving with more than enough. QUADRAGESIMO ANNO The encyclical of Pope Pius XI, dated May 13, 1931, published on the fortieth anniversary of Pope Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum . Quadragesimo Anno was written by Pope Pius XI in 1931 forty years after Pope Leo XIII's Rerun Novarum on the Condition of Workers. Encyclical letter Quadragesimo Anno of Pius XI . "Pius XI taught that the principle of subsidiarity, which had become a staple teaching among Catholic thinkers, was applicable He wrote this encyclical to address the ethical challenges facing workers, employers, the Church and the state as a result of end of the industrial revolution and the onset of the Great Depression. It was written as the Great Depression was raging, Benito Mussolini was firmly in control in Italy, and Adolf Hitler was moving inexorably towards power in Germany. eNotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of Quadragesimo Anno … … Posted in Encyclical letters “Those who control money and credit control our lives” From 1891 to 1931. Quadragesimo Anno was written by Pope Pius XI in 1931 forty years after Pope Leo XIII's Rerun Novarum on the Condition of Workers. In fact, however, it’s the background to Quadragesimo Anno, the social encyclical published by Pope Pius XI in 1931, now almost a century ago. Probably the key encyclical among papal social encyclicals is Pius XI’s Quadragesimo Anno (1931), written to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum. Quadragesimo Anno (Latin for “In the 40th Year”) is an encyclical written by Pope Pius XI, issued 15 May 1931, 40 years after Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum.Unlike Leo XIII, who addressed the condition of workers, Pius XI discusses the ethical implications of the social and economic order. In 1931 Pius XI issued the great social encyclical “Quadragesimo Anno” to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of “Rerum Novarum.” In “Quadragesimo Anno” the word “liberal” first appears in Catholic social thought—liberalism is therein condemned along with socialism—and the notion of a “third way” is introduced. To prepare the text of the document, Pius XI called … He wrote this encyclical to address the ethical challenges facing workers, employers, the Church and the state as a result of end of the industrial revolution and the onset of the Great Depression. Discussion of themes and motifs in Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti's Quadragesimo Anno.