Thanks for taking me back and making me feel that again. And if my math is correct, you may have 75,000 more hours to do good deeds than the thief on the cross did. When I do trapeze routines, I get tired and winded before everyone else. The more we move ahead the more we're stuck in rewind. Why are the JW's spouting their anti-Christmas propaganda here? 12 Answers. But I started to feel dirty inside. By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement Well I don't mind. And I don’t mean literally, though I wouldn’t want to look at any pictures of my lungs at this point. I did that for about a year and then had to quit that. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. This is called a wasted life. You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste the afterlife? Hell, I probably asked her to teach me. I started in high school and kept smoking in college. It started with a disposable one, then I got into the fancy ones with tanks and batteries. Request it in the comments! Haha, totally didn’t happen.) His audience wasted their lives by devoting themselves to religion, so he asks the rhetorical question of why death would be any different for them. you wasted life, why wouldn’t you waste death. The song peaked at number 10 on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart. You Wasted Life, Why Wouldn’t You Waste Death? You can do this Alison! [Verse 3] The ocean breathes salty, won't you carry it in? (RIP green glasses). It was difficult, but not terrible. You wasted life; why wouldn' t you waste death? Answer Save. There’s you and a friend driving down the highway, smoking, singing an angry Ani DiFranco song at the top of your lungs. My two closest friends and I would spend hours in that gazebo, talking and laughing, singing whatever new radio hit we were obsessed with, and smoking. Life slips by so quickly. Maybe half a pack on a normal day? Uh,...dude,...death is permanent. She lit the second one and told me to allow a little smoke to get in my mouth, but not inhale it. We went on from there and by the end, S had taught me how to smoke, and I never even coughed once. I am not going to report this ignorant negative question of yours, but it is extremely negating and not an interesting or positive question at all. I’ve been a smoker off and on (mostly on) since I was 17. Since I’d already gotten over the nicotine withdrawals, it shouldn’t be terribly difficult to just go ahead and quit, right? You can do that, too. Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town Waiting for someone or something to show you the way. One thing I did do that I wish I hadn’t was get into e-cigs. Best of luck in the journey. "The more we move ahead the more we�re stuck in rewind One of many photos of me where I’m clearly smoking but I’ve photoshopped the cigarette out. In your head, in your mouth, in your soul. Think about other people who wasted ALL the time in their life, you’ll feel better about your life. And it sounds like your basic routine has changed, and while the stress is there, it sounds like if you waited for life to be less stressful before you quit, you’d be waiting until you were 80. As I get older, fewer and fewer of my friends are smokers—they quit for health reasons or because they’re going to be parents or because dude, they’re not in fucking college anymore—and sneaking off to have a cigarette by myself lacked the aforementioned romance. i really do, but i wouldn't hold my breath, I have not wasted my life with God and I certainly, will not waste it at death because i will be in Heaven, Death is a waste of time. I spent my freshman year at UT living in a dorm where you could smoke in your room (I KNOW, I’M SO OLD), and my friends across the hall both smoked, so cigarettes turned from a party habit into an everyday habit. She lit the first one for me and told me to just hold it to see how it felt. But that’s the way my mind works. How the hell could I mind? Good luck, lady. About to turn 30, 40, or heck even 90 years old? First First in Canto Previous: Next Last in Canto Latest: The Agreement by Erin Mehlos on May 22, 2010 at 12:01 am. 8. “My story is too rebellious to be useful to God.” Or, “My story is too boring to be useful to God.” Share with the group why you chose your statement. " (You missed) You wasted life, why wouldn�t you waste death? 1. (You missed) You wasted life, when wouldn�t you waste death?" Where at Matthew 28:19 does Jesus reveal the Trinitarian nature of his God Jehovah? His favorite line is, “You wasted life, why wouldn’t you waste death?” Exellent point, excellent comic, excellent song. What To Do When You Feel Like You Wasted Your Life Away. If you are in a work environment where you are asked to give feedback, be generous and compassionate. More when I went out or was stressed or traveling or it was nice out or I was doing yardwork or woodworking projects? I started listening to NPR on my commute instead of music, just to change up my routine. I just signed up! For your sake, I hope heaven and hell. Posted In: News. Death is not something we take granted for, it just comes so suddenly. :P If you want another Lecrae lyric video. It’s kind of a hokey site, but when I quit a while back, I used to track my stats. Maybe there’s a country you always wanted to visit or a certain type of relationship you wanted.Or maybe you always wanted to try a rocky roll ice cream but never did. That does not mean being wishy-washy. 1 decade ago. And by “taught me to smoke,” I mean she literally instructed me. Drunk or high people from my high school didn’t usually let people walk around vice-free without comment, either, so smoking was my way of keeping them from pressuring me. Not only are you more relaxed, but your basic routine is different than normal so the regular time triggers aren’t there while you’re going through withdrawal. For a while there, I always thought that if I had three wishes, I’d like one of them to be that I could smoke as much as I wanted without consequences, even though I was never a heavy smoker. Like, I still miss him a little bit and I sometimes romanticize him, but ugh, there was a for-real reason that we broke up and it’s because he was a dick. You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death? Following a no-God—whatever his name or whatever his religion—will be a wasted life. I have not wasted my life with God and I certainly . Make sure you don't waste your life by doing these 7 common things. It became expensive to smoke those few cigarettes, and eventually I just stopped doing it. What does it mean if someone says you need to get over yourself. So I could as well have had a ball and sinned my a** off. There was a newer subdivision next to mine that had a few little man-made lakes in it, and one of those lakes had a dock with a gazebo at the end of it. Anonymous. As you think about the whole of your life story thus far, to which statement do you most relate? I kept half a pack of cigarettes in my glove compartment just in case, and somehow knowing they were there calmed me, made it easier not to smoke. I’ve never been a smoker, but I always go outside for the smoke breaks with folks, because it’s a moment to step away from the party and have small little conversations out in the elements with people. Throughout most of my twenties, I told myself that I would stop smoking when I turned thirty. Give Credit Where It’s Due. Sometimes my instructor sniffs the air near me and says, “Did you SMOKE TODAY?” Which is annoying, but also kind of adorable (I’m a smoker! Anonymous. There’s sitting on your patio with a glass of wine and a cigarette and your laptop, writing. I’d stopped smoking for three months when I went through the breakup of a bad relationship I’d had no business being in in the first place. You Wasted Life, Why Wouldn't You Waste the Afterlife? It just comes in so handy, sometimes. I think that is why people suggest you quit smoking while you’re on vacation for 2 weeks. How to be alone? You’re awesome! I am sorry you have a negative attitude. If this sounds like you and you just don’t know what you like, don’t worry, it’s a great excuse to try some new things out in efforts of discovering yourself and finding meaning in life . I’d think “ok, I can make it to 100 cigs not smoked…lets see if I can get it up to 150,” etc…. She bought us a pack of cigarettes (she was a grade ahead of me so she’d already turned 18), and we parked on a dead-end street in her neighborhood and sat on the hood of her mom’s car while she handed me cigarette after cigarette. Still have questions? SESSION 1 FOCUS. My anxiety did get worse after I quit, but I really think it’s because when you’re a smoker, you spend at least 3-4 quiet moments alone with your thoughts each day, smoking is sort of like meditation in that way. A week later, once I was well again, I decided to continue not smoking. Often, we aren't even aware our lives aren't taking the shape we'd hoped. To put it another way, to “waste” your life on Jesus is to save your life. Or at least it was when I was younger. Some of you will die in the service of Christ. There’s going camping with friends and two of you waking up earlier than everyone else, sitting by the river as the sun comes up, each of you with your first cigarette of the day. And that seems like the best reason at all. How do you think about the answers? why wouldn't you waste death? When I go to strength training class in the mornings, I have to take more breaks than anyone else. Anyway, if I want to be able to do actual trapeze performance routines, I can’t also be a smoker. It’s hard to do that when you’re not smoking. I don’t think I really smoked that much. You don’t have to have good looks or riches. Title from: Ocean Breathes Salty -Modest Mouse . Thanks for the recommendation. Seconding what folks said above: a lot can be said for the meditative practice of controlling your breathing a few times a day, cigarettes or no. Today was lame, but I'm stoked for tomorrow. Jordan Peterson - The Cost of Procrastinating & Wasting Half Your Life - Duration: 3:16. The stress and general horribleness of the whole thing broke me, and I thought, fuck it, why bother with this quitting? Get your answers by asking now. Shadowfire has a terrible temper, but Corvus does not? If I feel awkward at a wedding or a party or a bar, I go out and have a cig just so I can have some socially acceptable standing alone time. I’ve quit smoking once before. Hell's Corners » Azzy & Astoroth; 9 Comments . Then there’s standing outside in the snow at night sharing a cigarette with your boyfriend. I never thought that some people I knew would die so un-expectedly. A lot of people I know do that instead of smoking real cigarettes, but they’re both bad habits to me. You don’t have to come from a fine family or a fine school. I don't mind. You can sign in to vote the answer. Life isn't. Find out why they are so important and learn how to use your specials gifts. After the smoking dorms at UT there was waiting tables, where everyone smoked, and then there was being an English major and hanging out with a bunch of writers who smoked, and my identity as a smoker was cemented. One summer evening when we were really bored, my best friend S taught me to smoke. I read recently that if you want to change a habit or a pattern, it is best to do that when your schedule has changed considerably. To bring us to this highest and most durable of all pleasures, God made his Son, Jesus Christ, a bloody spectacle of blameless suffering and death. June 9, 2019 By Damian in books, foolosophy No Comments Apart from other considerations, language makes a marvellously comfortable nest for the mind, far downier than anything the rude empirical world can provide. Any god acting like the one in your question wouldn't attract enough believers even to fill a VW bus. I'm going to a show with my best friends and maybe doing a photoshoot with Sarah sunday. life, but how to avoid a wasted life. I, too, loved it. It does look cool though. A video of the 16-year-old Swedish campaigner giving Trump what media described as a "death stare" at a U.N. climate summit in New York in September went viral on social media. Treasuring life above Christ is a tragedy. If I had one it would cancel out the last two years. Cigarettes were my way of feeling like I was “cool” at parties without having to drink or whatever else. (I started when I was 18 and we’re the same age.) I'd wind up a loser even though I had lived a life righteous enough to earn the reward. you wasted life, why wouldnt you waste death? Ahh, smoking. I never enjoyed it. It’s hard, but I actually think throwing the baby out with the bath water on this one, and by that I mean CHANGING EVERYTHING AT ONCE might actually be the way to go. I had “the quitting feeling” and even though there was a lot going on in my life, it was the right time. Second of all, why the hell not add one more change to my already evolving life? God-in-Christ is the only true God and the only path to joy. Time Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way. I smoked for 11 years. That obviously isn’t true for me right now, as I’ve got a breakup and a move to another state and my dad’s health problems to contend with. It’s easy to sit outside and just take 5-10 minutes doing NOTHING when you are smoking. The ocean breathes salty, won't you carry it in? Lovely post (classic bluishorange!). I smoked from age 14-31, and like you, it was mostly social, but still, I was a smoker. I did it willingly. That summer, S had a job at a water park in Houston, and she’d made a lot of new friends. Just like you, I know how frustrating it can be to feel like your life is a waste. I was jealous of the time she spent with them, they really intimidated me, and I was already so insecure that I was desperate for anything that might make me seem like I fit in. This is called a wasted life. Stop living in the past. Smoke. It was harder than quitting regular cigarettes because I could do it anywhere and sit for hours puffing on and off. The problem with quitting smoking is that it leaves your hands with nothing to do. I've been trying to get a job lately. Everything I hear about quitting smoking says that your life should be otherwise stable when you quit, so that quitting is the only stressful thing going on in your life. She lit the third one and told me to inhale the smallest amount of smoke I possibly could. If you wonder Whatever you have done useful in your life which now consider as waste after your death. When I met new people I tried not to tell them I smoked unless I had to, for fear of being judged. Summary: Pre-canon AU. Jehovah's Witnesses and other Christians, why do Catholics believe Mary is the mother of God but the Protestants don't? I started out just smoking at these parties or when I was with S, but then I made some other friends who smoked, and we smoked whenever we hung out in the evenings or on weekends. Atheists, when someone says 'Merry Christmas' to you, does it make you FURIOUS? You are writing the story of your life, as you live each day. Anyway, hang in there, you can do it, and I also built in a failsafe which was I was allowed to smoke 2-3 cigarettes for each party. Shadowfire is Corvus. Try always to give the type of feedback that you wouldn’t mind receiving. If you want your life to count, if you want the ripple effect of the pebbles you drop to become waves that reach the ends of the earth and roll on for centuries and into eternity, you don’t have to have a high IQ or a high EQ. you wasted life, why wouldn’t you waste death? It tracks how many cigarettes I haven’t smoked, or how much money I had saved by not smoking. Edit: i didn't have time to finish this yesterday.. "well that is that and this is this you tell me what you want and i'll tell you what you get you get away from me... you get away from me". Secret Stirrings by Erin Mehlos on November 19, 2011 at 7:45 am. Not one! It is romantic. Favorite Answer. But at the end of the party I had to give the pack away to someone else. I mean figuratively dirty, like there was something wrong with me.